Weight loss update (1 Month)

In this post, I’m going to share with you an update on my weight loss journey.  The technology that I used, the foods that I ate, and the results that I have achieved in this ongoing battle of the bulge.  I am new to blogging but this is something that I want to share.

FullSizeRenderStepping on my Withings WD-50 Body Analyzer today, I got the news that I wanted to see.  The goal that I strived to reach had been obtained.  I managed to lose ten pounds in my first month.  Better yet, I managed to lose those ten pounds without being hungry.  On television we see all the diet plans that are going cause us to magically shed pounds and inches.  It isn’t going to happen overnight.  It takes discipline and work.

7NWS2xbfDaoCThe diet program that I selected was the Atkins Diet.  In 2002, Dr. Robert Atkins wrote a book called, Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution.  I wanted to lose weight, not read a book.  But I did read the book.  If you do not read anything else, read chapter 11.  People have told me about the Atkins Diet and other low carb diets for years.  Eat all the foods from this list that you want and you will shed pounds like crazy.  That is not it.  It is about reading labels.  It is about knowing what you are eating and why.  Consider it an instruction manual to your weight loss journey.

I lost 10.6 pounds by following the Atkins Diet.  Two days during the month I exceeded my allowed carbs.  This was due to a working lunch that was catered and a working dinner, worse, buffet style.  I am however satisfied with the results after one month.


What is the trick you ask?  The trick is planning what you are going to eat each day.  This is helped by using the Atkins Carb Tracker app.  I bought some Rubbermaid containers.  Each This diet is not about going hungry.  It is not about counting calories.  It is about only eating 18 – 22 grams of carbohydrates each day while also trying to remain under 144 grams of fat, and 190 grams of protein.  The app is free and a great tool for planning and measuring.

FullSizeRender-4Atkins prepackaged meals, meal bars, and shakes are not required to be successful at this diet.  They are handy, tasty, and clearly labeled which will help many people, like myself that are new to dieting.  On the bad side, they are a bit pricy.  Atkins bars run about $7.85 for 5 at Target.  I did find a less expensive alternative at Aldi, a no frills grocery chain here in the US.  They sell for $4.95 a box (5) which is a bit better on the wallet.  They are tasty, don’t eat the whole box at once.

Lastly, comes the work.  No weight loss plan is complete without an exercise plan.  My exercise plan was to incorporate the Fitbit Blaze into the plan.  I put together a treadmill desk and have managed to get a minimum of 10k steps every day.  If you cheat on this, you are only cheating yourself.  I recently read that it is more beneficial to get your exercise done in the early morning.  I do not know the truth to this but that is when I am doing mine.

Do not give up, stay motivated and you too can lose inches and pounds.  Pick your diet and exercise plan, then work your plan.  Next month, I should be at 210 pounds when I update this blog.



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